The Epilepsy Center (EC) is considered as reference for referring epilepsy patients from around the country, particularly those that are difficult to diagnose or present forms of refractory epilepsy. EC makes efforts to the promotion and prevention of epilepsy, and intervention for most patients with epilepsy regain health. Not confined to hospital care, but strategies are designed to reach the community. The proposed actions produce results in the short term. Epilepsy and PharmacologyThe 61% of patients have adverse drug reactions (ADR) with antiepileptic drugs (AED), in 40% determining discontinuation due to toxicity.The goal in treating epilepsy is control seizures, but also prevents adverse events (AE). International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) has recognized AE assessing outcome in epilepsy treatment. Among the most frequent ADR are cognitive changes and their impact on quality of life. Few studies have assessed them using neuropsychological test. Other frequent AE are severe adverse skin reactions, especially DRESS. Clinical judgment is sufficient to evaluate AE. However, there are AE that rely on patient's subjective complaints and systematic questionnaire. There is underreporting of AE. A checklist allows systematic monitoring of AE produced by AED. We evaluate cognitive changes and their impact on quality of life, the occurrence of rash and a checklist to increase reports of AE to reduce morbidity, promoting rational use of AED. Investigation of Genetics Factors Contributing to Diagnosis and Treatment of EpilepsyEpilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological disorders, affecting about 3% of world population. Even though, the vast majority of patients respond well to different anti-epileptic drugs, there remain a 30% of subjects non-responsive to medical treatment. It is still not completely understood the reason and mechanisms involved in the so-called phenomenon of drug-resistance in epilepsy. Genetic factors could be involved in these processes. Epilepsy secondary to Malformations of Cortical Development is one the frequently drug-resistant syndromes in infancy. We propose to advance in the knowledge of the genetic factor responsible for some of the malformations of cortical development applying classic strategies of molecular genetics as the most news tools such as next generation sequencing in a clinical epileptology setting.Maternity and EpilepsyMore information coming soon...Epilepsy and SleepBiological rhythms are inherent to all living systems. These rhythms are originated within each organism and modulated by environmental stimuli. It has been reported that alteration in these circuits, for example the decrease in the inhibitory GABAergic system, causes a reduction in the CNS epileptogenic threshold. Despite the controversies in the literature on the relationship between epilepsy and sleep, there is evidence to assume that sleep act is a natural protector of epilepsy. With the hypothesis that central biological rhythms are altered in this population, we studied the clinical, EEG, and subjective quality and architecture of nocturnal sleep in patients with seizures only during sleep.Magnetic Resonance Images & Diffusion Tensor Images in EpilepsyMore information coming soon...Malformations of Cortical Development and EpilepsyMalformations of cortical development (MCD) are responsible for a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations that include epilepsy, mental retardation and neurological deficits. MCD are considered the second most common cause of medically refractory partial epilepsy in adults after hippocampal sclerosis. Diagnosis of MCD has notably been improved in the past 2 decades as a result of advances in modern imaging, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and genetics. Epilepsies that were considered cryptogenic in the past are now recognized as secondary to MCD.A detailed assessment of MRI features allows determining the MCD subtype according to Barkovich classification scheme, which can be summarized by 3 main groups: Group 1: “malformations due to abnormal cell proliferation” Group 2: “malformations due to abnormal migration” Group 3: “malformations due to abnormal cortical organization” Several variables are included in the studies that are conducted in our centre: demographic data and clinical features of epilepsy, EEG findings (both the EEG interictal and ictal EEG video registers) and type of response to treatment. Among epilepsy secondary to alterations of neuronal proliferation, are the focal cortical dysplasia identified by MRI. These patients often lack pharmacological control, considering the surgical alternative. One of the most valuable resources for defining the neural network involved in the epileptogenic zone (EZ) is the high definition electroencephalogram (EEG). Applying mathematical algorithms , solving the “inverse problem”, we try to locate the sources of epileptic discharge. From the field of the dipole we localized interictal spike that best explains the pattern of surface EEG. These source localization techniques are less aggressive and expensive, if proven its usefulness, to facilitate location of EZ and contribute to the understanding of cortical neuronal connectivity. Consciousness and EpilepsyConsciousness is a multifaceted concept is defined as the ability of the person to maintain alertness, attention and knowledge of self and environment. Based on various studies show that it depends on the normal activity of a cortical neural network, particularly large cortical association areas located at the fronto-parietal, and its modulation by subcortical system located at the brain stem and diencephalon.Epileptic seizures are expressed by sudden changes in the behavior of short duration, 1 to 3 minutes, most of the time show disturbance of consciousness, and this is one of the aspects that affect the quality of life of the patients. Despite the different investigations both experimentally and clinically, there is no clear explanation of why this impaired of consciousness happens. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms of consciousness would modify treatments to avoid such disturbance during a crisis. To this end we evaluated demographic variables, characteristics of altered consciousness, the surface and intracerebral EEG records and brain MRI. Studies of electrical and clinical semiology of epileptic seizuresMore information coming soon...Members
Silvia Kochen, MD, PhD Principal researcher CONICET Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires Contact: Download CV Patricia Saidón, MD, Neurologist – Pharmacologist
Pharmacology Coordinator Its main area of work is clinical pharmacology and regulatory assurance in clinical trials. From 1994 until now has develop activities at the Center of Epilepsy in the Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently is working in pharmacology area of this team. Contact: Download CV Silvia Oddo, MD, PhD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Video-EEG Unit Coordinator Chief of Practical Applications of Neurology in Ramos Mejia Hospital. Doctor of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Specialist in Neurology. Topics of interest: electrophysiology. Epilepsy surgery. Contact: Download CV Marcelo Kauffman, MD, PhD. Neurologist – Genetist
Assisstant researcher CONICET Genetics Laboratory Coordinator Doctor of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. Its focus is on the identification of new mutations etiopathogenic in a population of patients with refractory epilepsy secondary to Malformations of Cortical Development using classical molecular genetic strategies and the use of existing tools or massive sequencing of next generation. Contact: Download CV Cristina Papayannis, MD, PhD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Research Fellow FUNDEPI Doctor of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. Interests: Epilepsy and Malformations of Cortical Development, Clinical Epilepsy, Epilepsy and hypothalamic hamartomas, epilepsy in Rasmussen's Encephalitis, Epilepsy Pharmacology. Contact: Download CV Nahuel Pereira Da Silva, MD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Research Fellow SACyT, Ministery of Health, Buenos Aires City Its main area of work is clinical neurology and pharmacology, both oriented towards epilepsy. From 2008 until now has develop activities at the Center of Epilepsy in the Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently is working in the management of treatment resistant epilepsy and pharmacology area in this team. Contact: Download CV Gustavo Seifer, MD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Doctoral Fellow UBA Its main area of work is clinical neurology with special interest in epilepsy. From 2007 until now has develop activities at the Center of Epilepsy in the Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently is working in clinical epilepsy and in preoperative invasive neurophysiological explorations in this team. He is developing his PhD (UBA) in the epileptogenic source localization in patients with focal cortical dysplasia. Contact: Download CV Juan Pablo Princich, Md. Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging
PhD Student in Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Contact: Natalia Bohorquez, MD. Neurologist
In charge of Pregnancy and Epilepsy Contact: Download CV Nuria Cámpora. MD. Neurologist.
Doctoral Fellow in Faculty of Medicine, UBA Medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Rosario in 2005. Neurology residency conducted during the years 2006-2010 and the Chief Resident during the years 2010-2011 in the Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires. Since 2011 is part of the team Epilepsy Center of Ramos Mejía Hospital as medical neurologist in the care of patients and in EEG Video Unit. Its area of interest focuses on the neural networks involved in the maintenance and alteration of consciousness. She is currently Fellow at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and honorary assistant professor of Neurology UBA. Contact: Facundo Latini. MD. Neurologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Joined the team in June 2012. He develops his work in the Video-EEG Unit actively working with the activities and the management of patients. It collaborates with depth electrodes studies. Currently is collaborating on a project to develop computerized medical historiography. Contact: Download CV Alejandro Blenkmann, Eng, PhD. Specialist in Brain Signals Analysis
Post-Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Favaloro University. PhD in Engineering of National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires. Its research topics is the characterization of neuronal network involved in normal and pathological human brain. EEG signals, as well as intracranial recordings (iEEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and recording of individual neurons are used for this study. Particularly considering the use of algorithms and models that enable the localization and characterization of neuronal populations involved in: i) cognitive processing of information and ii) in abnormal electrical activity in patients with epilepsy. Contacto: Download CV Main Collaborators
Patrick Chauvel, PhD.
Director of Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes Walter Silva, PhD. Coordinator of child epilepsy - neurology.Italiano Hospital. Jean Gotman. Director of “EEG, imaging and epilepsy” Lab, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University Valeria Della Maggiore. Director of Physiology of Action Lab, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. |
The Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings (ACIR) is the first center in Latin American to have the necessary equipment for human single cell recording in order to study more precisely the origin of epileptic seizures. The ACIR was inaugurated on August 3rd 2012 and is part of the Epilepsy Center who has dual membership: Neurology Division, Ramos Mejía Hospital and Epilepsy Laboratory, Institute of Cellular Biology and Neuroscience "Prof. Dr. E. De Robertis" (University of Buenos Aires - National Council for Scientific and Technical Research). Single Cell RecordingThe Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings count with necessary equipment and human resources capable of register the activation of single neuron. The acquisition of this new technology puts Argentine as one of the few countries in the world (USA, England, France, Germany, Holand), and first in Latin America capable of performing such a study.The Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings is part of the Epilepsy Center (EC) of Ramos Mejía Hospital. The EC is a high complexity center for outpatients care, being considered as reference for referring patients from around the country and neighboring countries. The EC counts with a video unit-EEG, where patients are admitted for continuous recording during 7-10 days. Studied populationPatients who do not become seizure-free with the current pharmacological treatments go to EC to perform video-EEG studies, neuropsychological and psychiatric assessment, MRI and fMRI studies, among others. With this studies, the EC specialist can design surgical strategy according each patient.Most of the time, the surgery of epilepsy, which removes the portion of the brain where seizures originate (epileptogenic zone), is the next step of these patients to become seizure-free. In some cases, the information obtain with non-invasive methods is not enough to delimit the epileptogenic zone, for which is explored by intracerebral electrodes in specific areas of the brain which vary from each patient. Thus, for clinical reasons there is the unique opportunity to make a direct recording of brain activity in humans, both large group of neurons and single neurons in patients candidates for epilepsy surgery. EquipmentMotivated by technological advances, the Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings has acquired the elite system of Blackrock Neuromed (Utah, USA) for simultaneous recording of 128 channels of microelectrodes and macroelectrodes. Microelectrodes are used for single cell recordings, while macroelectrodes are used for intracerebral EEG (iEEG) recordings. This system, which combines in one device the two type of recordings, improves the conditions used so far in the best centers of the world.The traditional iEEG capture the electrical activity of millions of neurons simultaneously. This new technique used microelectrodes of 40 micrometers thick placed in specific brain areas, which are believed from several clinical studies, could be the epileptogenic zone. Each of these microelectrodes records the activity of a small group of neurons (2-3) and with the use of mathematical algorithms can differentiate the electrical activity of neurons one by one. It is important to note that the placement of the microelectrodes do not imply additional risk, since they are located inside the electrodes normally used for iEEG, protruding 3-4 mm from the end of macroelectrode. Objectives and ImplicationsThe advantage essentially consists in register and differentiate the electrical activity of a single neuron from other, instead of recording the activity of millions of neurons as occurs until now with surface electrodes and intracerebral macroelectrodes.This will not only allow greater accuracy when defining the epileptogenic zone, but also explore new treatments. The higher risk of epilepsy is that it cannot predict. The increased risk of epilepsy is that you cannot predict the onset of the crisis, with an uncertainty factor for patients. Although clinically crises seem to come without warning, there is much evidence that the neural network begins to prepare before what the subject perceives. Therefore, the possibility of such registrations will obtain, applying prediction algorithms, better information on how to prepare the epileptogenic network and possibly in the future, develop treatments that prevent the onset of the seizure. At the same time, this procedure allows research the neurophysiological bases of different cognitive processes, chiefly perception and memory, as well as motor activity. In the patients with epilepsy exist a brain region that functions badly in a specific moment, but then is normalized enabling the comprehension of brain operation. By this, the epilepsy is a model that allows study the cognitive capabilities. Main CollaboratorRodrigo Quian Quiroga. Director of the Centre for Systems Neuroscience & Head of the Bioengineering Research Group, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.Localization and characterization of brain activity sourcesThe overall goal is to develop methods and algorithms to model, locate and characterize the neuronal populations sources of interest in the study human brain functions from electroencephalography (EEG), intracranial EEG and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Applications focus locating sources in epilepsy, as well as in the study of normal brain, through the use of event related potentials. The results are contrasted with those obtained by other techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), clinical correlation of the crisis (video-EEG) and, where feasible, with data from electrical stimulation and cortical resection surgery.Different source localization techniques are used to solve the inverse problem. Realistic models of electrical conductivity are made using finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM). The distributed or dipolar source models are used depending on the particular application. In order to obtain a greater degree of realism, "Physiologically plausible neural populations models" are used. This gives a different perspective to the modeling of brain activity sources, considering both the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal behavior, as well as the complex network of connections between neuronal populations. These models allow a detailed description of epileptogenic sources, among other parameters controlling connectivity among epileptogenic and non epileptogenic populations. ![]() Main CollaboratorCarlos MuravchikDirector of Signal Processing, LEICI, Faculty of Engineering, National University of La Plata. Professional teamThe Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings is formed by an interdisciplinary working group, that includes the following disciplines: neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychology, biomedical engineering, biology, psychiatry, and medical images.Neurology
Silvia Kochen, MD, PhD Principal researcher CONICET Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires Contact: Download CV Silvia Oddo, MD, PhD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Video-EEG Unit Coordinator Chief of Practical Applications of Neurology in Ramos Mejia Hospital. Doctor of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Specialist in Neurology. Topics of interest: electrophysiology. Epilepsy surgery. Contact: Download CV Nahuel Pereira Da Silva, MD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Research Fellow SACyT, Ministery of Health, Buenos Aires City Its main area of work is clinical neurology and pharmacology, both oriented towards epilepsy. From 2008 until now has develop activities at the Center of Epilepsy in the Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently is working in the management of treatment resistant epilepsy and pharmacology area in this team. Contact: Download CV Nuria Cámpora. MD. Neurologist
Doctoral Fellow in Faculty of Medicine, UBA Medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Rosario in 2005. Neurology residency conducted during the years 2006-2010 and the Chief Resident during the years 2010-2011 in the Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires. Since 2011 is part of the team Epilepsy Center of Ramos Mejía Hospital as medical neurologist in the care of patients and in EEG Video Unit. Its area of interest focuses on the neural networks involved in the maintenance and alteration of consciousness. She is currently Fellow at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and honorary assistant professor of Neurology UBA. Contact: Gustavo Seifer, MD. Neurologist – Epileptologist
Doctoral Fellow UBA Its main area of work is clinical neurology with special interest in epilepsy. From 2007 until now has develop activities at the Center of Epilepsy in the Ramos Mejia Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently is working in clinical epilepsy and in preoperative invasive neurophysiological explorations in this team. He is developing his PhD (UBA) in the epileptogenic source localization in patients with focal cortical dysplasia. Contact: Download CV Facundo Latini, MD. Neurologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Joined the team in June 2012. He develops his work in the Video-EEG Unit actively working with the activities and the management of patients. It collaborates with depth electrodes studies. Currently is collaborating on a project to develop computerized medical historiography. Contact: Download CV Neurosurgery
Eduardo Seoane. MD, Neurosurgeon
Head of Neurosurgery Division Director of Ramos Mejía Hospital Biomedical Engineering
Alejandro Blenkmann, Eng, PhD. Specialist in Brain Signals Analysis
Post-Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Favaloro University. PhD in Biomedical Engineering of National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires. Its research topics is the characterization of neuronal network involved in normal and pathological human brain. EEG signals, as well as intracranial recordings (iEEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and recording of individual neurons are used for this study. Particularly considering the use of algorithms and models that enable the localization and characterization of neuronal populations involved in: i) cognitive processing of information and ii) in abnormal electrical activity in patients with epilepsy. Contact: Download CV Martín Sapir. Biomedical Engineering Student
Internship in intracranial signal processing Engineering Support in Ramos Mejía Hospital Senior student of Biomedical Engineering career Favaloro University. He joined the Center in 2012. Performs tasks related to the acquisition and processing of intracranial EEG signals and records of individual neurons. Contact: Download CV Santiago Collavini. Biomedical Engineering Student
Internship in intracranial signal processing Engineering Support in Ramos Mejía Hospital Senior student of Biomedical Engineering career Favaloro University. He joined the Center in 2012. Performs tasks related to the acquisition and processing of intracranial evoked potentials. Contact: Biology
María Belén Gori. Biologist
Institute of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience "Prof. E. De Robertis" Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Its main area of work is neuroscience, with special interest in epilepsy. From 2011 to present, has been working with an experimental epilepsy model, using the rapid kindling method to study the epileptogenic process in rats. The research topic is study the inhibition of epileptogenesis applying high and / or low frequency stimulation. Currently working on its PhD project about the registration of single neurons in patients who are candidates for epilepsy surgery (Epilepsy Center - Ramos Mejía Hospital), under the research theme: "Neural correlates for visual perception and memory. Single cell recording in human temporal cortex." Contact: Download CV Medical Images
Juan Pablo Princich, MD.Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging
PhD Student in Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Contact: Neuropsychology
Patricia Solis. Neuropsychologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Coordinator of Neuropsychology Unit Its main area of work is Neuropsychology, with main interest in epilepsy. Joined the Epilepsy Center Ramos Mejia Hospital in November 1997. Has been making cognitive assessment paradigms for fMRI and helped organizing the Wada test and the cortical mapping of eloquent area during recordings of chronic electrodes in patients candidates to surgery. From 2012 coordinates and oversees internships in the area, receiving national and Latin American neuropsychologists within a scholarship scheme sponsored by the ALADE. Currently involved in the research project "Persistence of long-term memory before and after the hippocampectomy". Contact: Download CV Nancy Medel. Neuropsychologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Joined to Epilepsy Section of Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires, in 2007. Has began conducting neuropsychological assessment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, refractory to drug treatment. Currently involved in research projects related to functions and cognitive processes in patients candidates for epilepsy surgery and in patients with new drugs therapy. Contact: Download CV Carolina Lomlomdjian. MD, Neurologist - Neuropsychologist
PhD Student in Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Contact: Descargar CV Claudia Munera Martinez. Neuropsychologist
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Its research topic is the “Study of autobiographical memory persistence after temporal lobectomy in patients with epilepsy”. One of the cognitive complaints in this population is the memory failure, particularly the autobiographical memory (AM), which is related to events experienced in a specific place and time. The main interest is identify the characteristics of the AM before and after epilepsy surgery. Contact: Download CV Verónica Terpiluk. Neuropsychologist
Neuropsychology Trainee She has a degree in psychology, especialized in clinical neuropsychology. Its work concerns primarily the neuropsychological evaluation and research. Its main interests are concerned with the study and evaluation of memory processes. She is specialize in the population of adults and seniors, in the latter, and dedicated to assess cognitive impairment (either insane or normal deterioration processes l) and implement neuropsychological rehabilitation therapies". Contact: Download CV Psychiatry
Luciana D'Alessio, MD. PhD. Psychiatrist
Assistant research, CONICET Coordinator of Clinical Neuropsychology and Cognition Unit Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Research Topic: Neurobiological and BehavioAspects in epileptic population. Contact: Download CV Nursing and Technicians
Monica Infandides. EEG Technician
Ramos Mejía Hospital Alejandro Avalos. Nurse Manager Ramos Mejía Hospital Crescencio Julián. Nurse Ramos Mejía Hospital Néstor Rosito. Nurse Ramos Mejía Hospital External CollaboratorsThis new system, that allow register a single neuron electrical activity was developed in the '70s in the University of California, LA (USA). The arrival to Argentina of this technology was possible thanks to the contribution of the Argentine Physicist Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, head of Biophysicist Department and professor of Bioengineering in the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, who is working with this technique ten years ago.The collaboration with Dr. Quian Quiroga starts in the `90s and in the last year a joint work was initiated to install in Argentina the same setup that is installed in Leicester to single cell recordings during visual perception tasks. Dr. Quian Quiroga possesses a vast experience and has developed the algorithm of spike sorting, which allows to recognize the electrical activity of a neuron particularly differentiating it of the others. During August of 2012, we have counted with the presence of Dr. Quian Quiroga in the EC to attend the inauguration of the Advanced Center of Intracerebral Recordings, and to supervise the setup for the registration with microelectrodes. We have also counted with the contribution of Dr. Bekinschtein, of the MRC-Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK, in the study of Local Field Potentials (LFP) and Event-Related Potentials (ERP). At the same time, it will continued with the contribution of Dr. Muravchik, director of the LEICI laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, National University of La Plata, to continue with the study of characterization and locating of sources in epilepsy. Dr. D'Attellis, director of the Department of Mathematics at Favaloro Foundation and director of the Department of Mathematics at National University of San Martín will lead the seizure prediction studies with the obtained data. ![]() Left to right: Dr. Eduardo Seoane, Neurosurgeon of Ramos Mejía Hospital, Dra. Silvia Kochen, Head of Epilepsy Center, Epilepsy Section, Neurology Division, Hospital Ramos Mejía and Dr. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, head of Neuroengineering laboratory and professor of Bioengineering at University of Leicester, Great Britain.
![]() Inauguration of the Advanced Centre of intracerebral Recordings, Epilepsy Center, Division of Neurology, Hospital Ramos Mejía. Dr. Lino Barañao, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and Dr. Silvia Kochen, Division of Neurology, Hospital Ramos Mejía. August 3rd, 2012.
The Clinic and Laboratory of Neurogenetics at the Neurology Service in the JM Ramos Mejia Hospital specializes in the care of patients and families affected by central nervous system diseases that have or may have a hereditary basis in its development. Since its inception in 2008, we have carried out simultaneously care, teaching and research in the field of Clinical Neurogenetics. The office works with general neurologists or sub-specialized in different areas of Neurology, offering advice on the diagnosis and genetic counseling of patients and families affected by diseases caused by genetic alterations. Among the various pathologies that are often assisted in the office, familial epilepsies stand out. Furthermore, we can mention spinocerebellar ataxia, Friedreich's ataxia, dystonia, Huntington's disease, and mitochondrial neurometabolic disorders, leukodystrophies and hereditary Polyneuropathies (Charcot -Marie-Tooth). The office works in the Department of Neurology of the Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is led by Dr. Marcelo Kauffman, Medical Neurologist, Master of Medical Molecular Biology. Dr. Dolores González Morón, Dr. Sergio Rodriguez, Quiroga, Dr. Patricia Vega and Dr. Marta Córdoba participate in patient care and research and teaching duties, too. Lines of ResearchStudy of the genetic mechanisms underlying the malformations of cortical development.Hypothesis and general objectiveMany Malformations of Cortical Development (MDC) are caused by genetic defects. Although several genes involved in the pathogenesis of these disorders have been recognized, it is still large the number of subjects with no individualization of MDC genetic etiopathogenesis. Therefore, our hypothesis is that mutations in different functional genes in the development of central nervous system represent a frequent cause of Malformations of Cortical Development and the overall goal of the project is, then, contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the genesis of Malformations of Cortical Development, particularly the identification of mutations making aetiopathogenic in a population of patients with them.Research Objectives1. Determine in a population of patients with epilepsy secondary to periventricular nodular heterotopias from Argentina the prevalence of mutations in filamin A (FLNA).2. Discover new pathogenic mutations in FLNA, ARFGEF2, YWHAE and PQBP1 genes in the study of the etiology of epilepsy secondary to periventricular nodular heterotopias. 3. Discover new pathogenic mutations in the doublecortin gene in the study of the etiology of epilepsy secondary to subcortical band heterotopias. 4. Determine in a population of patients with epilepsy secondary to Polimicrogirias from Argentina the prevalence of mutations in the genes encoding Tubulins. Genomic Diagnosis in the study of neurogenetic diseasesHypothesis and objective:Many of the Nervous System Diseases are caused by genetic defects. Although several genes involved in its pathogenesis have been recognized, it is still large the numbers of subjects with neurological disorders without identification of their genetic etiology. On the other hand, new massive genome sequencing technologies are called to produce a paradigm shift in the approach to diagnosis of disease, predicting a noticeable short-term impact on the study of the molecular causes of monogenic disorders. Therefore, our hypothesis is that mutations in different functional genes in the development and function of the nervous system represent a significant etiology of Neurological Disorders and developing a systematic genomic analysis oriented will impact clinical diagnostic practice of Hereditary disorders of the nervous system and the overall goal of the project is, then, contribute to the study of neurogenetic diseases through massive genomic sequencing in a population of patients.Specific objectives:Our specific objective of work is the recognition of new genes involved in the pathogenesis of monogenic neurogenetic disorders familiarly aggregated by using massive genome sequencing platforms. We propose in particular:1. Explore the use of different bioinformatics tools in analyzing data obtained through massive genomic sequencing through the implementation of an algorithm for annotation and classification of genetic variants identified. 2. Generating a meta-tool that combines bioinformatics existing analytical resources correlating usual medical narrative (history), genotypes and biomedical literature. Members. CV Summary
Marcelo Kauffman, MD, PhD, Neurologist – Geneticist Assisstant researcher CONICET. Doctor of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. Its focus is on the identification of new mutations etiopathogenic in a population of patients with refractory epilepsy secondary to Malformations of Cortical Development using classical molecular genetic strategies and the use of existing tools or massive sequencing of next generation. Contact: Download CV Dra. Dolores Gonzalez Morón
Medical graduate of the School of Medicine of the Universidad Austral. She received her specialty in Neurology Clinic after completing a residence in Neurology in the Hospital Dr. Jose Maria Ramos Mejia in Buenos Aires, being Neurology Chief of Resident in 2007-2008. She is pursuing a PhD Career at the University of Buenos Aires. She has received a grant under the GCBA and is working on the project: Study of the genetic mechanisms underlying the cortical developmental malformations of neuronal migration disorders and cortical organization. Dr. Sergio Rodriguez-Quiroga
Medical graduate at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Cochabamba, Bolivia), made the specialty of Medical Clinic in the first instance and subsequently obtained his specialty in Neurology Clinic after completing a Residence in Neurology in the Hospital Dr. Jose Maria Ramos Mejia in Buenos Aires -Argentina. Now he is part of the Movement Disorders team at the JM Ramos Mejia Hospital as a Fellow and is working in a research grant under the Government of the City obtained with the project "Study of hereditary ataxias in the Acute General Hospital JM Ramos Mejia". Dra. Marta Córdoba
Medical graduate of the School of Medicine of the National University of Tucumán. She received her specialty in Neurology Clinic after completing a Residence in the Hospital Dr. Jose Maria Ramos Mejia in Buenos Aires. Currently she is a fellow of the International Master of Biomedical Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Freiburg, Germany, with a thesis on data analysis in genomics in the context of neurological diseases under the direction of Dr. Marcelo Kauffman. Dra. Patricia Vega
Medical graduate of the National University of La Plata in 1996. She performed her residency in Pediatrics at the Hospital Sister Maria Ludovica, in the same city. Between the years 2001-2006, she made the residence of Child Neurology at Children's Hospital Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. Contact
The main objectives of neuropsychological assessment of patients with epilepsy are: 1. To determine the patient’s baseline cognitive status. 2. To establish hemispheric dominance for language. 3. To identify focal functional deficits associated with the location and laterality of the epileptogenic zone. 4. To determine the probability of postsurgical cognitive changes. Our group develops clinical and research work mainly focused to the population of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy that are candidates for surgery. Current research- Study of the persistence of long-term memory before and after surgery through different memory tasks: face memory, musical memory and emotional memory.- Features and persistence of autobiographical memory in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy before and after surgery. - Functions of dominant and non-dominant hemisphere: Determination of logical and social aspects of language and communication, and its relation with people’s communication skills. - Social cognition: Study of emotion recognition through facial, body and prosodic/ musical expression, theory of mind and social interaction skills. - Study of the cognitive effects of antiepileptic drugs. Group Members
Patricia Solis. Neuropsychologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Coordinator of Neuropsychology Unit Its main area of work is Neuropsychology, with main interest in epilepsy. Joined the Epilepsy Center Ramos Mejia Hospital in November 1997. Has been making cognitive assessment paradigms for fMRI and helped organizing the Wada test and the cortical mapping of eloquent area during recordings of chronic electrodes in patients candidates to surgery. From 2012 coordinates and oversees internships in the area, receiving national and Latin American neuropsychologists within a scholarship scheme sponsored by the ALADE. Currently involved in the research project "Persistence of long-term memory before and after the hippocampectomy". Contact: Download CV Nancy Medel. Neuropsychologist
Research Fellow, FUNDEPI Joined to Epilepsy Section of Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires, in 2007. Has began conducting neuropsychological assessment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, refractory to drug treatment. Currently involved in research projects related to functions and cognitive processes in patients candidates for epilepsy surgery and in patients with new drugs therapy. Contact: Download CV Carolina Lomlomdjian. MD, Neurologist - Neuropsychologist
PhD Student in Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Contact: Download CV Claudia Munera Martinez. Neuropsychologist
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Its research topic is the “Study of autobiographical memory persistence after temporal lobectomy in patients with epilepsy”. One of the cognitive complaints in this population is the memory failure, particularly the autobiographical memory (AM), which is related to events experienced in a specific place and time. The main interest is identify the characteristics of the AM before and after epilepsy surgery. Contact: Download CV Verónica Terpiluk. Neuropsychologist
Neuropsychology Trainee She has a degree in psychology, especialized in clinical neuropsychology. Its work concerns primarily the neuropsychological evaluation and research. Its main interests are concerned with the study and evaluation of memory processes. She is specialize in the population of adults and seniors, in the latter, and dedicated to assess cognitive impairment (either insane or normal deterioration processes l) and implement neuropsychological rehabilitation therapies". Contact: Download CV Collaborators
- Catherine Liegeois-Chauvel. INSERM, Marseille, France
- Lic. Lucia Valeriano. Contact
Neurobiological and behavioral aspects in people with epilepsya- Neurobiological aspects of epilepsy, determination of biochemical markers related to brain neuroplasticity in patients with surgical treatment; histological and neurochemical study of tissue removed during surgery.b- Behavioral aspects. Research on the behavioral characteristics that affect the quality of life of patients, determining the presence of disorders plausible treated of interdisciplinary team of Mental Health; comorbidity with mood disorders, anxiety, substance abuse and psychosis and personality disorders. Evaluation of patients with epilepsy surgery. c- Analysis of the prevalence of CNE-P (non-epileptic seizures of psychogenic origin); paroxysmal changes in behavior, sensory perception and / or cognitive activity, simulating generalized or partial seizures, but they are not due to a neuronal discharge, and they are associated with psychiatric disorders. PNES are confused with the epilepsy and are often underdiagnosed. The CNEP require an interdisciplinary approach by Mental Health team. Members
Luciana D'Alessio, MD, PhD. Psychiatrist
Assistant researcher CONICET Coordinator of Clinical Neuropsychology and Cognition Unit Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UBA Contact: Download CV Laura Scévola, MD. Psychiatrist
PhD student of Psychopathology Section |
Inhibition of epileptic discharge by high and low frequency stimulation in an experimental model of epilepsyEpileptic seizures involve sudden changes in neuronal activity which interfere with the normal operation of the neural network, expressing through hypersynchronous discharges of neuronal populations affected. In the last decade it has been proposed to deep brain stimulation (DBS) as an alternative treatment for patients who do not become seizure-free with the current pharmacological treatments and cannot undergo resective surgical procedure of the epileptogenic zone. However, it remains to determine the optimum stimulation parameters.In our laboratory, the animals are implanted by stereotaxic surgery with stimulation and recording electrodes. The process of epileptogenesis is studied by applying the kindling model, which consists of a single periodic stimulation in a specific brain area for approximately 30 days, giving rise to the appearance of focal seizures secondarily generalized. Currently, our laboratory applies a variable of this phenomenon called Rapid Kindling (RK). Unlike the kindling, in RK is repeated electrical stimulation several times a day for three consecutive days, accelerating the epileptogenic process. To study the effect of the high (HFS) or low frequency (LFS) electrical activity as a potential inhibitor of seizures, it applies HFS or LFS immediately prior to kindling stimulation. It register the electrical activity of the animal pre- and post-stimulation and its analyzed the behavioral response of the animal, as well as different parameters of the electroencephalogram (EEG). This information allows for the antiepileptogenic effect which could cause the stimulation of high and low frequency, delaying the development of the Kindling phenomenon and reducing the post-discharge. High (HFS) and low (LFS) frequency stimuli act by inhibiting the neural network organization involved in epileptogenesis, thus preventing hypersynchronous discharges. Members
María Belén Gori. Biologist
Institute of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience "Prof. E. De Robertis" Doctoral Fellow, CONICET Its main area of work is neuroscience, with special interest in epilepsy. From 2011 to present, has been working with an experimental epilepsy model, using the rapid kindling method to study the epileptogenic process in rats. The research topic is study the inhibition of epileptogenesis applying high and / or low frequency stimulation. Currently working on its PhD project about the registration of single neurons in patients who are candidates for epilepsy surgery (Epilepsy Center - Ramos Mejía Hospital), under the research theme: "Neural correlates for visual perception and memory. Single cell recording in human temporal cortex." Contact: Download CV Magdalena Pereyra. Biology Student
Institute of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience "Prof. E. De Robertis" "Stimulus" Fellow, UBA During its career of Biology has developed a special interest in the area of neuroscience. Such special interest led her to work since 2010, conducting research in an experimental model of epilepsy (kindling). Contact: Download CV Medicine
Lucas Toibaro. MD
Resident of Neurosurgery Contact: Performs tasks related to the animal surgeries since 2010. Milagros Galardi. Medicine Student
Research Student Contact: Download CV External Collaborators
Silvano Zanutto, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires.
Gerardo Battaglia, National Technology University (UTN). |
2012“Postoperative Neuropsychological Outcome in Patients with Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Argentina”Oddo S, Solis P, Consalvo D, Seoane E, Giagante B, D'Alessio L, Kochen S. Epilepsy Research and Treatment (2012); Article ID 370351, 5 pages. doi: 10.1155/2012/370351. [Download] "Non-invasive approach to Focal Cortical Dysplasias: clinical, EEG and neuroimaging features." Seifer G, Blenkmann A, Princich JP, Consalvo D, Papayannis C, Muravchik C, Kochen S. Epilepsy Research and Treatment (2012), Article ID 736784, 10 pages. doi: 10.1155/2012/736784. [Download] “Malformations of cortical development and epilepsy in adult patients” Papayannis CE, Consalvo D, Kauffman MA, Seifer G, Oddo S, D'Alessio L, Saidon P, Kochen S. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy (2012); 21(5): 377–84. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2012.03.009. [Download] “Contribution of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging to the diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasias” Princich JP, Consalvo D, Kauffman M, Seifer G, Blenkmann A, Kochen S. Revista de Neurología (2012); 54(8):453-60. [Download] "Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis revealed in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Diagnostic Work-Up" Kauffman MA, Gonzalez-Morón D, Consalvo D, Kochen S. Am J Med Sci (2012); 343(4):332-3. doi: 10.1097/MAJ.0b013e31823cf6d8. [Download] “Effect of unilateral low-frequency stimulation of hippocampus on rapid kindling - induced seizure development in rats”. Toibaro L, Pereyra M, Pastorino J, Ortmann G, Galardi M, Gori MB, Kochen S. Neuroscience & Medicine (2012); 3:174-80. doi:10.4236/nm.2012.32022 [Download] “Motor-language coupling: Direct evidence from early Parkinson's disease and intracranial cortical recordings”. Ibáñez A, Cardona JF, Dos Santos YV, Blenkmann A, Aravena P, Roca M, Hurtado E, Nerguizian M,Amoruso L, Gómez-Arévalo G, Chade A, Dubrovsky A, Gershanik O, Kochen S, Glenberg A, Manes F,Bekinschtein T. Cortex (2012); Mar 8. [Epub ahead of print] [Download] “Diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders applying massive pyrosequencing.” Kauffman MA, Gonzlez-Morón D, Consalvo D, Westergaard G, Vazquez M, Mancini E, Taratuto AL, Rey R, Kochen S. Mol Biol Rep (2012); 39(6):6655-60. doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-1471-9. [Download] “Alteraciones extrahipocámpicas en epilepsia temporal mesial con esclerosis del hipocampo” Consalvo D, Kauffman M, Oddo S, Rey R, Kochen S. Neurología Argentina (2012); 4(2):53–58. [Download] “Crossed aphasia after right anterior temporal lobectomy. A case report” Múnera CP, Lomlomdjian C, Solis P, Medel N, Kochen S. Epilepsy & Behavior (2012); 25(1):125-8. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2012.05.014. [Download] “Psicosis y epilepsia: características clínicas y abordaje terapéutico” D'alessio L, Donnoli V, Kochen S. Vertex Revista Argentina de Psiquiatría (ISSN 0327-6139) (2012); 23(104). [Download] "SLC6A4 gene variants and temporal lobe epilepsy susceptibility: a meta-analysis”. Córdoba M, Consalvo D, Moron DG, Kochen S, Kauffman MA. Mol Biol Rep (2012); 39(12): 10615-9. doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-1949-5. [Download] “Association between equivalent current dipole source localization and focal cortical dysplasia in epilepsy patients.” Blenkman A, Seifer G, Princich JP, Consalvo D, Kochen S, Muravchikc C. Epilepsy Res (2012); 98(2-3):223-31. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2011.09.018. [Download] 2011“Risk factors associated with DRESS syndrome produced by aromatic and non-aromatic antipiletic drugs”Pereira da Silva N, Piquioni P, Kochen S, Saidon P. Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2011);67(5):463-70. doi: 10.1007/s00228-011-1005-8. [Download] “Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases.” Calvet E, Caravotta PG, Scévola L, Teitelbaum J, Seoane E, Kochen S, D Alessio L. Epilepsy Behav (2011); 22(4):804-7. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2011.09.029. [Download] “Pregnant women with epilepsy in a developing country.” Kochen S, Salera C, Seni J. Open Neurol J (2011); 5:63-7. doi: 10.2174/1874205X01105010063. [Download] “A study of word finding difficulties in Spanish speakers with temporal lobe epilepsy.” Lomlomdjian C, Solis P, Medel N, Kochen S. Epilepsy Res (2011); 97(1-2):37-44. doi: 0.1016/j.eplepsyres.2011.06.016. [Download] “Dose-dependent risk of malformations with antiepileptic drugs: an analysis of data from the EURAP epilepsy and pregnancy registry” Tomson T, Battino D, Bonizzoni E, Craig J, Lindhout D, Sabers A, Perucca E, Vajda F, for the EURAP study group* (*Kochen Silvia). The Lancet Neurology (2011); 10(7): 609-17. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(11)70107-7. [Download] “Embarazo y epilepsia en Argentina.” Kochen S, Salera C, Seni j. Revista Neurolológica Argentina (2011); 03:156-61. [Download] “Impact of head models in N170 component source imaging: results in control subjects and ADHD patients” Beltrachini L, Blenkmann A, von Ellenrieder N, Petroni A, Urquina H, Manes F, Ibáñez A, Muravchik CH, Kochen S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2011); 332: 012019. [Download] “Síntomas negativos en pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos no esquizofrénicos” Donnoli V, Moroni M, Cohen D, Chisari Rocha L, Marleta M, Sepich Dalmeida T, Bonani M, D'alessio L. Vertex Revista Argentina de Psiquiatría (2011); 22:262-67. [Download] “Actualización sobre la clasificación de las crisis Epilépticas”. Yacoubian EM, Kochen S. Revista Chilena de Epilepsia (2011) Nº1 - Junio 2011 "Dieta Cetogénica en pacientes adultos con epilepsia refractaria” Martin D, Kochen S. Revista Chilena de Epilepsia (2011)- Nº1 - Junio 2011 2010“La situación de las mujeres en el arte de curar”Kochen, S. Revista Neurológica Argentina (2010); 2(4):219-20. [Download] “ApoE epsilon4 genotype and the age at onset of temporal lobe epilepsy: a case-control study and meta-analysis”. Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Moron DG, Lereis VP, Kochen S. Epilepsy Res (2010); 90(3):234-9. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2010.05.007. [Download] “Doublecortin (DCX) immunoreactivity in hippocampus of chronic refractory temporal lobe epilepsy patients with hippocampal sclerosis.” D'Alessio L, Konopka H, López EM, Seoane E, Consalvo D, Oddo S, Kochen S, López-Costa JJ. Seizure (2010);19(9):567-72. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2010.09.004. [Download] 2009“Psychotic disorders in Argentine patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy: A case–control study”D’Alessio L, Giagante B, Papayannis C, Oddo S, Silva W, Solís P, Donnoli V, Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Zieher LM, Kochen S. Epilepsy & Behavior (2009); 14(4):604–609. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2009.02.019. [Download] “ApoE e 4 is not associated with posictal confusion in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis” Kauffman M, Pereyra da Silva N, Consalvo D, Kochen S. Short communication, Epilepsy Research (2009); 85(2-3):311-3. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2009.03.012. [Download] "Serotonin Transporter Gene Variation and Refractory Mesial Temporal Epilepsy with Hippocampal Sclerosis" Kauffman M, Consalvo D, Gonzalez-Morón D, Aguirre F, D’Alessio L, Kochen S. Epilepsy Research (2009); 85(2-3):231-4. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2009.03.010. [Download] “Utilization of Antiepileptic Drugs during Pregnancy: Comparative Patterns in 38 Countries Based on Data from the EURAP Registry” “The EURAP Study Group.” (Kochen S es coordinadora por Argentina e integrante del Grupo) Epilepsia (2009); 50(10): 2305-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02093.x. [Download] “Latin American Brain Mapping Network (LABMAN)” Uludag K, Evans AC, Della-Maggiore V, Kochen S, Amaro E, Sierra O, Valdés-Hernandez P, Medina V, Valdés-Sosa P. NeuroImage (2009); 47(1):312-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.030. [Download] "Approximate Average Head Models for EEG Source Imaging" Valdés-Hernández PA; von Ellenrieder N; Ojeda-Gonzalez A; Kochen S; Alemán-Gómez Y; Muravchik C; Valdés-Sosa PA. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2009); 185(1):125-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2009.09.005. [Download] "Psychogenic non epileptic seizures after head injury: a case report" Sce´vola L, D’Alessio L, Saferstein D, Centurio´n E, Consalvo D, Kochen S. Case Report Med (2009), Article ID 712813, 4 pages. doi: 10.1155/2009/712813. [Download] “El alelo e4 de la apolipoproteína modificaría el "período silente" del desarrollo de la epilepsia mesial temporal con esclerosis del hipocampo” Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Gonzalez-Moron D, Pujol V, Solís P, Oddo S, Lomlomdjian C, Kochen S. Revista Neurológica Argentina (2009); 1(2):148-154. [Download] “Heterotopía en banda o doble corteza, reporte de caso” Melcon CM, Consalvo D, Centurión E, Papayanis C, Kauffman M, Kochen S. Revista Neurológica Argentina (2009); 1: 47-49. [Download] “Sistemas nacionales de investigación para la salud en América Latina: una revisión de 14 países.” Alger J, Becerra-Posada F, Kennedy A, Martinelli E, Cuervo LG; Grupo Colaborativo de la Primera Conferencia Latinoamericana de Investigación e Innovación para la Salud (Kochen Silvia) Rev Panam Salud Publica (2009); 26(5):447-57. Spanish. [Download] 2008“Clinical spectrum and difficulties in management of hypothalamic hamartoma in a developing country”Papayannis CE, Consalvo D, Seifer G, Kauffman MA, Silva W, Kochen S. Acta Neurol Scand (2008); 10: 1111/1600. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2008.01016.x. [Download] “Transcriptionally Less Active Prodynorphin Promoter Alleles are Associated with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis” Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Gonzalez Moron D, Kochen S. Disease Markers (2008); 24:135–140 [Download] “GABABR1 (G1465A) Gene Variation and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Controversy: New Evidence” Kauffman M, Levy EM, Consalvo S, Mordoh J, Kochen S. Seizure (2008); 17:567-71. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2007.12.006. [Download] “Analysis of psychotic disorders in patients with refractory partial epilepsy, psychiatric diagnoses and clinical aspects” D’Alessio L, Giagante B, Ibarra V, Papayannis C, Oddo S, Solís P, Consalvo D, Silva W, Donnoli V, Zieher LM, Kochen S. Actas Esp Psiquiatr (2008); 36(3):138-143 [Download] “Association study between interleukin 1_ gene and epileptic disorders: a HuGe review and meta-analysis” Kauffman MA, Gonzalez Moron D, Consalvo D, Bello R, Kochen S. Genetics IN Medicine (2008); 10(2):83-88 doi: 10.1097/GIM.0b013e318161317c. [Download] “Genotipificación del gen del recaptador de la serotonina y respuesta al tratamiento en la epilepsia mesial temporal con esclerosis del hipocampo ¿Pronóstico Molecular?” Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Gonzalez Moron D, Aguirre F, D'Alessio L, Kochen S. Rev Neurol Arg (2008); 33(1):22-7. [Download] 2007“Prevalence and Clinical Features of Epilepsy in Argentine. A Community-Based Study”Melcon MO, Kochen S, Vergara RH. Neuroepidemiology (2007); 28:8-15 [Download] “NADPH diaphorase reactive neurons in temporal lobe cortex of patients with intractable epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis” D'Alessio L, Lopez-Costa JJ, Konopka H, Consalvo D, Seoane E, Lopez ME, Guelman ML, Kochen S, Zieher LM. Epilepsy Research (2007); 74, 228-231 [Download] “Recommendations regarding the requirements and applications for long-term recordings in epilepsy” Velis D, Plouin P, Gotman J, Battaglia G, Litt B, Renault B, Lennertz K, Velis D, Kochen S, Plouin P, Nakasato N, Lopes da Silva F, ILAE DMC Subcommittee on Neurophysiology. Epilepsia (2007); 48 (2): 379–384. [Download] “Genética de la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal” Kauffman MA, Consalvo S, Kochen S. Psicofarmacología (2007); 46:16-21. Editorial Sciens [Download] “Asociación entre alelos transcripcionalmente deficientes del gen de la prodinorfina y el desarrollo de epilepsia del lóbulo temporal” Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Gonzalez-Moron D, Kochen S. Revista Neurológica Argentina (2007); 32: 40-46 [Download] 2006“El polimorfismo G1465A del gen GABBR1 es un marcador de riesgo para el desarrollo de epilepsia mesial temporal con esclerosis del hipocampo”Kauffman MA, Consalvo D, Papayannis CE, Mordoh J, kochen S, Levy EM. Revista Neurológica (Arg), (2006); 31(1): 25-31. Revista del Hospital J. M. Ramos Mejía,. Edición Electrónica - Volumen X - Nº4 – 2005. Trabajos premiados en la Jornadas Interdisciplinarias. [Download] “Psychiatric disorders in patients with psychogenic non epileptic seizures, with and without comorbid epilepsy” D’Alessio L, Giagante B, Oddo S, Silva W, Solis P, Consalvo D, Kochen S. Seizure (2006); 15(5):333-9 [Download] “Automatic Detection of Interictal Spikes using Data Mining Models” Valenti P, Cazamajou E, Scarpettini M, Aizemberg A, Silva W, Kochen S. Journal of Neurosciences Methods (2006); 150(1): 105-110. [Download] “Seizure control and treatment in pregnancy” Observations from the EURAP Epilepsy Pregnancy Registry The EURAP Study Group* (Kochen S.) (Lista Completa en appendix E-1) Neurology (2006); 66(3):354-360. [Download] “Periventricular nodular and subcortical neuronal heterotopia in adult epileptic patients” Consalvo DE, Kochen SS, Alurralde A, Centurion E, Salgado PA, Saidon P, Sica RE. Medicina (B Aires) (2006); 66 (2):101-7. [Download] “Investigación sanitaria: políticas, recursos y voluntades” Ortiz Z, Olmos M, Ramos S, Kochen S, Segura E. Revista del ITAES (Instituto Técnico para la Acreditación de Servicios de Salud) (2006); Vol 8 Nº 1 [Download] 2005“Normas de diagnóstico y tratamiento de epilepsia”.Kochen S. Boletín del Programa Remediar del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (2005) [Download] “Prognosis of Epilepsy in a Community-Based Study: Eight years of Follow-up in an Argentine Community” Kochen S, Melcon MO. Acta Scandinavica Neurologica (2005); 112(6): 370 - 374. [Download] “Visual defects associated with vigabatrin: a study of epileptic argentine patients” Moreno M, Giagante B, Saidon P, Kochen S, Benozzi J, Rosenstein R. Can J Neurol Sci. (2005); 32(4): 459-64. [Download] 2004“Prediction of epileptic seizures using accumulated energy in a multiresolution framework”Gigola S, Ortiz F, D'Attellis CE, Silva W, Kochen S. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2004); 138(1-2): 107-11. [Download] 2001"Clinical features and prognosis of nonepileptic seizures in a developing country"Silva W, Giagante B, Saizar R, D'Alessio L, Oddo S, Consalvo D, Saidón P, Kochen S. Epilepsia (2001); 42(3): 398-401. [Download] "Psicosis Esquizofreniforme Tras Cirugía de Epilepsia. Un Caso del Fenómeno de Normalización Forzada." D'Alessio L, Kochen S. Actas Esp Psiquiatr (2001); 29(4):00 [Download] CAPITULOS DE LIBROS"Cortical deficits in emotion processing for faces in adults with ADHD: Its relation to social cognition and executive functioning". Ibañez A; Petroni A; Urquina H; Torralva T; Blenkmann A; Beltrachini L; Muravchik C; Baez S; Cetkovich M; Torrente F; Hurtado E; Guex R; Sigman M; Lischinsky A; Manes F. Capítulo publicado en Social Neuroscience of Psychiatric Disorders. Londres: PSYCHOLOGY PRESS. 2012. ISBN 1848727577"Carga alostática y estrés" en Carga Alostática: parte I. D`Alessio L. Laboratorios Gador editores, Buenos Aires, Polemos Editorial, 2011. Pág 9-21. "Carga alostática y medicina traslacional; cerebro, circuitos cerebrales y estrés psicosocial" en Carga Alostática: parte II. D`Alessio L. Laboratorios Gador editores, Buenos Aires, Polemos Editorial, 2011. pág 7-29. Libro: “Manifesto: Pela universalidade da divulgação da produção científica” Pais-Ribeiro JL, Martins-da-Silva A, Kochen S, da Mota Gomes M, Vela-Bueno A, Silvério Marques M. 1ª Edição, Novembro 2011. ISBN- 978-989-8463-29-6. Lisboa: Placebo, Editora LDA. Libro: “Las crisis epilépticas” Yacubian EMT y Kochen S, Editorial Casa Leitura Médica. 2010 [Download] "Tratamiento psicofarmacológico de los trastornos psicóticos en sus distintas etapas evolutivas: Fase aguda de descompensación". D`Alessio L, Sanchez Toranzo A, Hansen F, Avigo L en Tratado de Psicofarmacología y Neurociencia, Volumen I, Esquizofrenia y otras psicosis. Neurobiología y terapéuticas. LM Zieher - MC Brió editores, Buenos Aires, Sciens Editorial 2009. ISBN 978-987-23649-3-9; pág 181-198. "Tratamiento farmacológico de mantenimiento de los trastornos psicóticos: fase crónica compensada". Sánchez Toranzo A, Hansen F, D`Alessio L en Tratrado de Psicofarmacología y Neurociencia, Volumen I, Esquizofrenia y otras psicosis. Neurobiología y terapéuticas. LM Zieher - MC Brió editores, Buenos Aires, Sciens Editorial 2009. ISBN 978-987-23649-3-9; 199- 214. "Mecanismos Neurobiológicos de la Resiliencia". D`Alessio L. Buenos Aires, Editorial Polemos, primera edición 2009; pág 1-69. "Conducción del impulso nervioso en fibras desmielinizadas. Conceptos neurofisiológicos". Capitulo 3, Seifer Gustavo, A.M. Villa en Esclerosis Multiple: Conceptos básicos y clínicos. AM Villa, J Correale, O Garcea. Ed. Dunken. 2008 "Aspectos neurobiológicos de los trastornos conductuales en la Epilepsia. Uso racional de psicofármacos en niños y adolescentes con epilepsia y trastornos de conducta". D´Alessio L, Brió M C, en Psicofármacos y Neurociencia en Pediatría. María Cristina Brió editores, Buenos Aires, Sciens Editorial 2007; 331-353. ISBN978-987-23649-0-8 "Ciencia, tecnología y género: Informe internacional”. Fernandez-Polcuch E, Kochen S, Helena-Maria M, Liqun Liu, Gudrun Maass, Martínez E. Ediciones UNESCO, 2007 [Download] "Propuesta de construcción de indicadores en el sector de ciencia y tecnología con perspectiva de género". Kochen S, Franchi A, Maffía D y Atrio J. En Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología en Iberoamérica, Agenda 2005. Editores: Mario Albornoz y Diego Ratto. RICyT (CYTED - OEA). 2005. ISBN: 987-20443-1-7 [Download] "Fármacos Antiepilépticos". Saidón P, D´Alessio L, Mazaira S. en Colección de Farmacología Clínica: Neuropsicofarmacología Clínica. Zieher LM, Alvano S, Ianantuono R, Fadel D, Serra H, Editores. Gráfica Siltor. Tercera Edición, Buenos Aires 2004. pág 376-390. ISBN 9879643569. “Wavelet analysis preceding seizures”. Kochen S., Giagante B., DAtellis C., Sirne R., Roitman J. Advances en Clinical Neurophysiology (Suppl.), 2002, Vol. 54; Chapter 67; 457-61. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. “La situación de las mujeres en el sector científicotecnológico en América Latina. Principales indicadores de género.” Kochen S.; Franchi A.; Maffía D. Cuadernos de Iberoamérica: Las Mujeres en el sistema de Ciencia y Tecnología. Editora Eulalia Perez Sedeño. 2001, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) “Las mujeres y la ciencia” Kochen S. en La Neurología y los Neurólogos Argentinos (el otro lado) Sociedad Neurológica Argentina, Editores J.C. Ortiz de Zárate; 1998 "Epilepsia", Kochen S. en Texto de Neurología Clínica, Editorial López. 1era edición 1994. pags 103-133 PUBLICACIONES EN SUPLEMENTOS DE REVISTAS NACIONALES E INTERNACIONALES,
"Utility of a Specific Instrument to Evaluate Antiepileptic Drugs Toxicity". |
Damián Consalvo: “Determination of new epileptic syndroms through brain magnetic resonance” November 2005. Silvia Oddo: "Characteristics of cognitive functions in the different epileptic syndroms". March 2006. Brenda Giagante: “Determination of electro-clinic patterns in partial epilepsy” . April 2008 Luciana D’Allesio: “Psychosis and epilepsy: Clinical research of psychotic disorders in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy” March 2008 Marcelo Kauffman: "Research of genetic variability in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis " year 2008. Alejandro Blenkmann: “Source localization of brain activity”. March 2012. Cristina Papayannis: “Study of epileptogenesis in epilepsy associated to malformations of cortical development” year 2012. |